My Story

Hi, and welcome!

This is me, Kaisa, a sensitive introvert (INFJ/HSP/HSS), entrepreneur, writer, scuba diver, thinker, fan of hummus and all things veggie, wellness enthusiast and Yin yoga lover from Finland, currently living in the Netherlands. I’m also a Life Coach and NLP Practitioner. Some might call my various list of interests and pursuits scattered, but I call myself a multipotentialite. Check it, it exists!

I tend to order things from the Universe, I play with the Law of Attraction and the reoccurring theme in my life can be described with words such as space, freedom and courage. Time after time I find myself leaving things behind, finding new sensations and making sometimes even mad leaps of faith in order for something to touch my heart.

I feel alive when it’s just about space and lightness, when I’m standing on the verge of something totally new and feel equal amount of fear and excitement. I usually cannot stay in one place longer than three years, because I have come to learn that as much as I would like to grow roots, my wings are too strong. They will always take me, and I will always let them.

Everything I do revolves around one guiding principle: follow your heart. This is not about happiness as such, I don’t think I am searching and chasing happiness (anymore). This I have, I am truly happy. Instead I am chasing joy, sensations, experiences, emotions, contradictions, LIFE. I am chasing wonders, new cultures, new ways of looking at myself, new ways of experiencing life, new ways of creating myself in this life, new ways of being.

And then I want to write about it. Spend delirious days locked inside my head, coming up with stories, bits, pieces, articles and poems. Try my luck with photographs and surrender to art in all its glory. Doodle silly things and paint my feelings on small pieces of paper or rocks that I find in the azure sea.

At the end of the day I’m just trying to make sense of it all, trying to understand this life as (we think) we know it.

More about my writing elsewhere online and in printed media, check my Writing Portfolio.

Update 2023: I am continuing my writing under a new blog: Experience of Existence.